Precise Cuts Start Here !

The MOST Precise Fence Available!

The MOST Precise Fence Available!

The Paralok Table Saw Fence uses aircraft cables to lock the fence parallel to the blade.

The Original Fence from the 1980's

The Original Fence from the 1980's


It is a FANTASTIC claim that the Paralok Pro is the World's BEST Table Saw Fence.

So let's PROVE it !!!

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Uses effortless hydraulic power for the large castors that can roll easily over garage / driveway transitions.  Strong construction, built to last!

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Safety Comes First !


Why upgrade your fence?

For over 100 years people have complained about the fences on their table saws.  Manufactures try to balance cost vs payback.  The past standard has been a T-Square style of fence that only locks at one end.  Poor design but inexpensive to manufacturer.  Initial general consenses of manufactures has usually been to provide a fence that appears acceptable at purchase and then the fence problem is the buyer's problem.  Over time the public's disgust of the T-Square design has caused manufacturers to greatly widen the "T" portion for improved accuracy.  While it did  provide an improvement to accuracy it creates a huge unusually heavy monstrosity of the T portion.  Parallel problems are less but still exist.  The lockdown is at right angles to the blade, again not a good design.  Often with the T-Square design there can be a shift when the fence is locked down.

What are the problems with stock original fences?

 1.) Not Parallel     4.) Not Consistant
 2.) Not Precise     5.) Heavy & Bulky
 3.) Fence Flexes
    6.) Cannot be Made Accurate


The Paralok Pro resloves all 6
of those problems
at a reasonable cost!

What People are Saying !


Here is a posting from an actual user of the Paralok 2  posted in the forum of Practical Machinist in 2013. Clicking on the image below will open a new window with the post on the Practical Machinist website.  Thien the posting is a little past 3/4 the way down the page.



More postings below.

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